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He brought to public notice

  • 1 notice

    1. noun
    1) Anschlag, der; Aushang, der; (in newspaper) Anzeige, die

    no-smoking notice — Rauchverbotsschild, das

    2) (warning)

    give [somebody] [three days'] notice of one's arrival — [jemandem] seine Ankunft [drei Tage vorher] mitteilen

    have [no] notice [of something] — [von etwas] [keine] Kenntnis haben

    at short/a moment's/ten minutes' notice — kurzfristig/von einem Augenblick zum andern/innerhalb von zehn Minuten

    3) (formal notification) Ankündigung, die

    until further noticebis auf weiteres

    4) (ending an agreement) Kündigung, die

    give somebody a month's noticejemandem mit einer Frist von einem Monat kündigen

    hand in one's notice, give notice — (Brit.)

    give one's notice(Amer.) kündigen

    5) (attention) Beachtung, die

    bring somebody/something to somebody's notice — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas aufmerksam machen

    it has come to my notice that... — ich habe bemerkt od. mir ist aufgefallen, dass...

    take no notice of somebody/something — (not observe) jemanden/etwas nicht bemerken; (disregard) keine Notiz von jemandem/etwas nehmen

    take notice of — wahrnehmen; hören auf [Rat]; zur Kenntnis nehmen [Leistung]

    6) (review) Besprechung, die; Rezension, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (perceive, take notice of) bemerken; abs.

    I pretended not to noticeich tat so, als ob ich es nicht bemerkte

    2) (remark upon) erwähnen
    * * *
    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) die Notiz
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) die Aufmerksamkeit; die Kenntnis
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) die Warnung
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) bemerken
    - academic.ru/50561/noticeable">noticeable
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of
    * * *
    [ˈnəʊtɪs, AM ˈnoʊt̬-]
    I. vt
    to \notice sb/sth jdn/etw bemerken; (catch)
    to \notice sth etw mitbekommen; (perceive)
    to \notice sth etw wahrnehmen
    did you \notice how she did that? hast du mitbekommen, wie sie das gemacht hat? fam
    we \noticed a car stopping outside the house wir bemerkten, wie [o dass] ein Auto vor der Tür hielt
    she waved at him but he didn't seem to \notice sie winkte ihm zu, aber er schien es nicht zu bemerken
    2. (pay attention to)
    to \notice sth/sb etw/jdn beachten, auf etw/jdn achten; (take note of)
    to \notice sth/sb etw/jdn zur Kenntnis nehmen; (become aware of)
    to \notice sb/sth auf jdn/etw aufmerksam werden; (realize)
    to \notice sth etw [be]merken
    she was first \noticed by the critics at the age of 12 sie fiel den Kritikern zum ersten Mal im Alter von zwölf Jahren auf
    \notice the details achten Sie auf die Details
    to \notice a book ein Buch besprechen
    4. (inform)
    to \notice sb jdn benachrichtigen
    to \notice sth etw anzeigen
    II. n
    1. no pl (attention) Beachtung f
    to avoid \notice Aufsehen vermeiden
    it came [or was brought] to my \notice that... es ist mir zu Ohren gekommen [o ich habe erfahren], dass...
    it escaped my \notice that... es ist mir [o meiner Aufmerksamkeit] entgangen, dass
    to bring sth to sb's \notice jdn auf etw akk aufmerksam machen
    to deserve some \notice Beachtung verdienen
    to take \notice Notiz nehmen
    the news made everyone sit up and take \notice die Nachrichten alarmierten alle
    I asked him to drive more slowly but he didn't take any \notice ich bat ihn, langsamer zu fahren, aber er reagierte nicht
    to take \notice of sb/sth von jdm/etw Notiz nehmen, jdm/etw Beachtung schenken
    don't take any \notice of what she says kümmere dich nicht um das, was sie sagt
    to take no \notice of the fact that... die Tatsache ignorieren, dass...
    2. (poster) Plakat nt, Anschlag m
    3. (in a newspaper) Anzeige f
    death \notice Todesanzeige f, Leidzirkular m SCHWEIZ, Pate f ÖSTERR
    4. no pl (information in advance) Vorankündigung f; (warning) Vorwarnung f
    to give sb \notice jdn [vorab] informieren; (warn) jdn [vor]warnen
    to give sb \notice of a visit jdm einen Besuch ankündigen
    at a day's/four days'/ten minutes' \notice binnen eines Tages/vier Tagen/zehn Minuten
    at a moment's \notice jederzeit
    at short \notice kurzfristig
    until further \notice bis auf Weiteres
    to be on \notice informiert sein; (be warned) [vor]gewarnt sein
    to have \notice of sth ( form) über etw akk informiert sein, von etw dat Kenntnis haben
    without \notice ohne Vorankündigung; (without warning) ohne Vorwarnung
    to leave without \notice weggehen ohne vorher Bescheid zu sagen
    to show up without \notice unangemeldet erscheinen
    5. (written notification) Benachrichtigung f, Mitteilung f, Bescheid m form
    \notice of acceptance Annahmeerklärung f
    \notice of arrival Eingangsbestätigung f
    \notice of departure polizeiliche Abmeldung
    \notice to pay Zahlungsaufforderung f, Mahnung f bes SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR
    public \notice öffentliche Bekanntmachung
    6. LAW Vorladung f
    7. no pl (to end an arrangement) Kündigung f
    she is under \notice to leave ihr ist gekündigt worden
    \notice to quit Kündigung f
    to give [in] [or hand in] one's \notice seine Kündigung einreichen, kündigen
    to give sb his/her \notice jdm kündigen [o form die Kündigung aussprechen]
    to get [or be given] one's \notice die Kündigung erhalten
    8. no pl (period) [Kündigungs]frist f
    seven days'/a month's \notice wöchentliche/monatliche Kündigung, eine Kündigungsfrist von sieben Tagen/einem Monat
    you must give seven days' \notice of withdrawal Sie haben sieben Tage Kündigungsfrist
    she gave him a month's \notice to move out sie gab ihm eine Frist von einem Monat, um auszuziehen
    to have fifteen days'/three months' \notice eine Kündigungsfrist von vierzehn Tagen/drei Monaten haben
    without \notice fristlos
    9. LIT, THEAT Besprechung f, Rezension f, SCHWEIZ meist Buchkritik f
    the book received good \notices das Buch erhielt gute Kritiken
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= warning, communication) Bescheid m, Benachrichtigung f; (= written notification) Mitteilung f; (of forthcoming event, film etc) Ankündigung f

    to give notice of sth — von etw Bescheid geben; of film, change etc etw ankündigen; of arrival etc etw melden

    to give sb one week's notice of sth — jdn eine Woche vorher von etw benachrichtigen, jdm eine Woche vorher über etw (acc) Bescheid geben

    to give sb notice of sth — jdn von etw benachrichtigen, jdm etw mitteilen

    to give official notice that... — öffentlich bekannt geben, dass...; (referring to future event) öffentlich ankündigen, dass...

    without notice — ohne Ankündigung; (of arrival also) unangemeldet

    notice is hereby given that... — hiermit wird bekannt gegeben, dass...

    he didn't give us much notice, he gave us rather short notice — er hat uns nicht viel Zeit gelassen or gegeben

    to have notice of sth —

    I must have notice or you must give me some notice of what you intend to do — ich muss Bescheid wissen or Kenntnis davon haben (form), was Sie vorhaben

    to serve notice on sb ( Jur, to appear in court )jdn vorladen

    at a moment's notice — jederzeit, sofort

    at three days' notice — binnen drei Tagen, innerhalb von drei Tagen

    2) (= public announcement) (on notice board etc) Bekanntmachung f, Anschlag m; (= poster) Plakat nt; (= sign) Schild nt; (in newspaper) Mitteilung f, Bekanntmachung f; (short) Notiz f; (of birth, wedding, vacancy etc) Anzeige f

    the notice says... — da steht...

    to post a notice — einen Anschlag machen, ein Plakat nt

    birth/marriage/death notice — Geburts-/Heirats-/Todesanzeige f

    3) (prior to end of employment, residence etc) Kündigung f

    to give sb notice (employer, landlord) — jdm kündigen; (lodger, employee also) bei jdm kündigen

    I am under notice of redundancy, I got my notice — mir ist gekündigt worden

    a month's notice —

    I have to give (my landlady) a week's notice — ich habe eine einwöchige Kündigungsfrist

    4) (= review) Kritik f, Rezension f

    (= attention) to take notice of sth — von etw Notiz nehmen

    I'm afraid I wasn't taking much notice of what they were doing — ich muss gestehen, ich habe nicht aufgepasst, was sie machten

    to take no notice of sb/sth — jdn/etw ignorieren, von jdm/etw keine Notiz nehmen, jdm/etw keine Beachtung schenken

    take no notice! —

    a lot of notice he takes of me!als ob er mich beachten würde!

    to attract notice —

    it might not have escaped your notice that... — Sie haben vielleicht bemerkt, dass...

    to bring sth to sb's noticejdn auf etw (acc) aufmerksam machen; (in letter etc) jdn von etw in Kenntnis setzen

    it came to his notice that... — er erfuhr, dass..., es ist ihm zu Ohren gekommen, dass...

    2. vt
    bemerken; (= feel, hear, touch also) wahrnehmen; (= realize also) merken; (= recognize, acknowledge existence of) zur Kenntnis nehmen; difference feststellen

    without my noticing it —

    I noticed her hesitating —

    did he wave? – I never noticed — hat er gewinkt? – ich habe es nicht bemerkt or gesehen

    to get oneself noticed — Aufmerksamkeit erregen, auf sich (acc) aufmerksam machen; (negatively) auffallen

    * * *
    notice [ˈnəʊtıs]
    A s
    1. Beachtung f:
    avoid notice (Redew) um Aufsehen zu vermeiden;
    that’s beneath my notice das nehme ich nicht zur Kenntnis;
    bring sth to sb’s notice jemandem etwas zur Kenntnis bringen, jemanden von etwas in Kenntnis setzen, jemanden von etwas unterrichten;
    come to sb’s notice jemandem bekannt werden, jemandem zur Kenntnis gelangen;
    escape notice unbemerkt bleiben;
    escape sb’s notice jemandem oder jemandes Aufmerksamkeit entgehen;
    a) (keine) Notiz nehmen von,
    b) (nicht) beachten;
    “notice” „zur Beachtung!“
    2. Notiz f, Nachricht f, Anzeige f, Meldung f, Ankündigung f, Mitteilung f:
    notice of an engagement Verlobungsanzeige f;
    this is to give notice that … es wird hiermit bekannt gemacht, dass …;
    give sb notice of sth jemanden von etwas benachrichtigen;
    on short notice bes US kurzfristig, auf Abruf
    3. Anzeige f, Ankündigung f, Hinweis m, Bekanntgabe f, Benachrichtigung f, Mitteilung f, Bericht m, Anmeldung f:
    notice of assessment WIRTSCH Steuerbescheid m;
    notice of a loss Verlustanzeige;
    give notice of appeal JUR Berufung anmelden oder einlegen;
    a) einen Antrag anmelden,
    b) PARL einen Initiativantrag stellen;
    give notice of a patent ein Patent anmelden;
    serve notice upon sb JUR jemandem eine Vorladung zustellen, jemanden vorladen
    4. a) Warnung f
    b) Kündigung(sfrist) f:
    subject to a month’s notice mit monatlicher Kündigung;
    give sb (their) notice (for Easter) jemandem (zu Ostern) kündigen;
    give the company ( oder give in) one’s notice kündigen;
    give sb three months’ notice jemandem drei Monate vorher kündigen;
    we have been given notice to quit uns ist (die Wohnung) gekündigt worden;
    I am under notice to leave mir ist gekündigt worden;
    at a day’s notice binnen eines Tages;
    at a moment’s notice jeden Augenblick, sogleich, jederzeit;
    at short notice kurzfristig, auf Abruf; sofort, auf Anhieb;
    it’s a bit short notice umg das kommt etwas plötzlich;
    till ( oder until) further notice bis auf Weiteres;
    without notice fristlos (entlassen etc)
    5. schriftliche Bemerkung, (auch Presse-, Zeitungs) Notiz f, ( besonders kurze kritische) Rezension, (Buch- etc) Besprechung f:
    receive good notices gute Kritiken erhalten
    B v/t
    1. bemerken:
    notice sb do(ing) sth bemerken, dass jemand etwas tut; jemanden etwas tun sehen
    2. (besonders) beachten oder achten auf (akk):
    notice that … beachten, dass …
    3. anzeigen, melden, bekannt machen
    4. besonders JUR benachrichtigen
    C v/i es bemerken
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Anschlag, der; Aushang, der; (in newspaper) Anzeige, die

    no-smoking notice — Rauchverbotsschild, das

    give [somebody] [three days'] notice of one's arrival — [jemandem] seine Ankunft [drei Tage vorher] mitteilen

    have [no] notice [of something] — [von etwas] [keine] Kenntnis haben

    at short/a moment's/ten minutes' notice — kurzfristig/von einem Augenblick zum andern/innerhalb von zehn Minuten

    3) (formal notification) Ankündigung, die
    4) (ending an agreement) Kündigung, die

    hand in one's notice, give notice — (Brit.)

    give one's notice(Amer.) kündigen

    5) (attention) Beachtung, die

    bring somebody/something to somebody's notice — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas aufmerksam machen

    it has come to my notice that... — ich habe bemerkt od. mir ist aufgefallen, dass...

    take no notice of somebody/something — (not observe) jemanden/etwas nicht bemerken; (disregard) keine Notiz von jemandem/etwas nehmen

    take notice of — wahrnehmen; hören auf [Rat]; zur Kenntnis nehmen [Leistung]

    6) (review) Besprechung, die; Rezension, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (perceive, take notice of) bemerken; abs.

    I pretended not to notice — ich tat so, als ob ich es nicht bemerkte

    2) (remark upon) erwähnen
    * * *
    Anschlag -¨e m.
    Anzeige -n f.
    Bekanntmachung f.
    Bemerkung f.
    Kündigung f.
    Merkblatt n.
    Notiz -en f. v.
    beachten v.
    bemerken v.
    daran denken ausdr.
    merken v.
    notieren v.
    vermerken v.
    wahrnehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > notice

  • 2 bring

    1. III
    1) bring smth. bring one's own books (his things, smb.'s luggage, smb.'s suitcase, etc.) приносить собственные книги и т. д.; tell him to bring some extra money скажи ему, чтобы он захватил с собой еще денег; bring an answer (a message, good news, bad news, etc.) приносить /сообщать/ ответ и т. д. || bring word сообщать что-л., приносить известие о чем-л.
    2) bring smb. bring one's brother (one's wife, smb.'s friends. one's family, etc.) приходить или приезжать вместе с братом и т. д., приходить или привозить брата и т. д.
    3) bring smth. bring snow (rain, bad weather, etc.) нести с собой /приносить/ снег и т. д.; spring brings warm weather весна несет нам тепло; spring brings flowers весной появляются цветы; bring good luck (honour, fame, misfortune, etc.) приносить счастье и т. д.; hard work brings its reward усердие вознаграждается; your efforts will bring success ваши усилия увенчаются успехом; her children bring her many anxieties ее дети доставляют ей много волнений /беспокойства/; her letter brought many offers of help на ее письмо многие откликнулись с предложением о помощи
    4) bring smth. bring much money (good (dividends, L 250 a year, etc.) приносить /давать/ много денег и т. д.
    2. IV
    1) bring smth. somewhere bring his things here (his books downstairs, etc.) приносить его вещи сюда и т.д.).; bring his luggage upstairs относить его вещи наверх; bring the chairs inside внести стулья в дом: bring the hammer (the chairs, the things one borrowed. etc.) back приносить обратно /возвращать/ молоток и т. д., bring the books back when you are through верните книги, когда они будут вам больше не нужны; what shall I bring back? что [мне] привезти, когда вернусь?; bring back smb.'s answer (the message) вернуться и передать чей-л. ответ (чью-л. записку); bring one's things (the bag, the hat, etc.) down приносить свои вещи и т. д.). вниз (с верхнего этажа), спуститься и принести свои вещи и т. д.; bring out a few chairs вынести (из дома, из комнаты, на крыльцо, на улицу, в сад и т. п.) несколько стульев; bring in the lamps (another chair, tea-things, etc.) вносить лампы и т.д.).; bring supper (luggage, one's things, etc.) up приносить ужин и т. д. наверх; bring up a jug of hot water принесите мне наверх кувшин горячей воды
    2) bring smb., smth. somewhere what has brought you here? как вы сюда попали /здесь очутились/?; bring him back привозить или приводить его обратно; he has gone away from home and nothing will bring him back again он ушел из дому, и ничто не заставит его вернуться; bring the children down приводить детей [с верхнего этажа] вниз; bring the people l.the men, the visrors, etc.) in вводить или приводить людей и т. д. (в комнату, в дом); bring the prisoner in! введите заключенного!; bring her up приведите ее ко мне наверх; his remarks brought me up его замечания заставили меня вскочить [с места]
    3) bring smth. at some time how much did your fruit crop bring last year? сколько вы получили /выручили/ за фрукты в прошлом году?
    3. V
    bring smb. smth.
    1) bring me these apples (me my coat, the boy the book, them something to eat, me a jug of hot water, me up my food, etc.) принесите или привезите мне эти яблоки и т. д., you must bring him back two barrels of cider вы должны вернуть ему два бочонка сидра; bring smb. smth. as a present принести кому-л. что-л. в качестве подарка || bring smb. word of /about/ the affair сообщать кому-л. /приносить кому-л. известие/ об этом деле
    2) bring my sister luck (him honour, people misfortune, the artist fame, etc.) приносить моей сестре счастье /удачу/ и т. д.
    3) bring smb. much money (the shareholders good dividends, him L 250 a year, etc.) приносить /давать/ кому-л. много денег и т. д.).
    4. VII
    bring smb. to do smth. bring the board to pass him (them to see the wisdom of his plan, them to see my point, etc.) заставить /убедить/ комиссию пропустить его и т. д.. what brought you to do it? что заставило вас это сделать /так поступить/?
    5. VIII
    bring smb. doing smth. her cries brought the neighbours running на ее крик сбежались соседи
    6. XI
    1) be brought somewhere dinner (breakfast, wine, etc.) was brought in обед и т. д. подали /был подан/; be brought somewhere by smb. much booty was brought back by the conquerors завоеватели вернулись с богатой добычей; be brought from somewhere it has been brought from abroad это привезли /привезено/ из-за границы
    2) be brought before /to/ smth. several points were brought to our attention наше внимание обратили на несколько вопросов; three items were brought before the meeting as matters requiring immediate attention вниманию собрания были предложены три пункта, требующие безотлагательного обсуждения; the matter is being brought before the council tomorrow morning вопрос будет рассматриваться на завтрашнем утреннем заседании совета; it was brought forcibly to his notice его заставили обратить на это внимание
    3) be brought before smb., smth. he brought before the magistrate (before the assizes, before a court martial, etc.) предстать перед судьей и т. д.
    7. XVIII
    bring oneself to do smth. bring oneself to speak about it (to look at him, to take action in the matter, etc.) решиться заговорить об этом и т. д.; I cannot bring myself to believe that... не могу заставить себя поверить, что...
    8. XXI1
    1) bring smth. from smth. bring chairs from the garden (a stool from the kitchen, etc.) приносить стулья из сада и т. д.; bring the things from outside вносить вещи в помещение; bring smth. out of smth. bring smth. out of a box (out of a suitcase, out of a drawer, etc.) вытаскивать /вынимать/ что-л. из ящика и т. д.; bring smth. to (for) smb. bring these apples to me (his hat to him, etc.) принесите или привезите мне эти яблоки и т. д.; bring flowers for the girl (a chair for his mother, new books for the children, etc.) привесить для девушки /девушке/ цветы и т. д.
    2) bring smb. to some place bring smb. to a meeting (to the theatre, to a village, etc.) приводить или привозить кого-л. /приезжать или приходить вместе с кем-л./ на собрание и т. д.; why don't you bring your sister to the party? почему бы вам не привести на этот вечер сестру?; the dolphins brought him safe to land дельфины доставили (его на берег в целости и сохранности || bring smb. on one's way захватить кого-л. с собой по дороге
    3) bring smb. into smth. bring smb. into the society of interesting men (of artists, of one's colleagues, etc.) вводить кого-л. в общество интересных людей и т. д.; bring smb. into the conversation а) втянуть кого-л. в разговор, б) заговорить о ком-л. или упомянуть кого-л. в разговоре; bring smth. (in)to smth. bring smth. into action /into operation/ ввести что-л. в действие; bring new banknotes into currency пустить в обращение новые ассигнации; bring long skirt into fashion ввести длинные юбки в моду; bring smth, (in)to the service of man поставить что-л. на службу человеку; bring the new model to the test подвергнуть новую модель проверке /испытанию/
    4) bring smth. to smth. bring the evidence to their knowledge (to the public notice, to the attention of..., etc.) довести свидетельские показания до их сведения и т. д.; bring the matter to the fore выдвинуть вопрос на передний план; bring smb., smth. into smth. bring the event into the focus of public attention привлечь к этому событию всеобщее внимание; bring smb., smth. before (under, etc.) smth. bring the actor (a boot, a play, the question, the matter, etc.) before the public (under smb.'s attention, under smb.'s notice, etc.) привлечь внимание публики и т. д. к этому актеру и т д. || bring smth. to light выявить /раскрыть/ что-л.; bring the truth to light пролить свет на правду; bring an event to smb.'s mind напоминать кому-л. о каком-л. событии, воскрешать какое-л. событие в чьей-л. памяти
    5) bring smb., smth. (in)to some state bring smb. into disrepute (into unpleasant notoriety, etc.) навлекать дурную славу и т. д. на кого-л.; bring smb. (in)to disgrace опозорить кого-л.; bring smb. into danger (into difficulties, etc.) (по)ставить кого-л. в опасное и т. д., положение; bring smb. into close contact (into association, into friendly relations, etc.) with smb. устанавливать тесную связь и т. д. между кем-л. и кем-л.; bring smb. to grief довести кого-л. до беды; bring smb. to submission добиться от кого-л. подчинения /покорности/; bring smb. to ruin разорить кого-л.; bring smb. to reason /to his senses/ образумить /урезонить/ кого-л.; bring smb. to a recollection of smth. заставить кого-л. вспомнить что-л., напомнить кому-л. о чем-л.; bring smb. to life again а) приводить кого-л. в чувство (после обморока), б) воскрешать кого-л.; bring the patient to a sense of conviction that he would be cured вселить в больного чувство уверенности /уверенность/ в том, что он поправится; bring smb. to his knees поставить кого-л. на колени; bring smb. to his feet заставить кого-л. подняться или вскочить на ноги; bring smb. to the gallows /to the scaffold/ привести кого-л. на виселицу, довести кого-л. до виселицы; bring smth. to completion (to a speedy conclusion, to a successful issue, to an end, to a close, to a termination.) [быстро или успешно] завершить /закончить/ что-л., [быстро] довести что-л. до конца; bring smth. to a stop /to a halt, to a stand/ (при)остановить /прекратить/ что-л.; bring smb.'s plans (smb.'s hopes, smb.'s prospects, etc.) to nought /to nothing/ свести чьи-л. планы и т. д. на нет /к нулю/, разрушить чьи-л. планы и т. д., bring the matter (things, the affairs,. etc.) to such a pass придавать делу и т. д. такой оборот; bring smth. to perfection довести что-л. до совершенства; bring smth. to the boil /to the honing point/ довести что-л. до кипения; bring smth. into accordance with the recent advances in science (into harmony with the results of these experiments, etc.) привести что-л. в соответствие с последними достижениями науки и т. д.; bring smth. into effect реализовать что-л., провести что-л. в жизнь; bring smb. under smth. bring smb. under discipline заставить кого-л. подчиниться дисциплине; bring smb. under the power of smth., smb. (under the domination of smb., etc.) поставить кого-л. в зависимость от чего-л., кого-л. и т. д. || bring a child into the world произвести на свет /родить/ ребенка
    6) bring smth. (up)on smb. bring shame upon her (disgrace upon.the family, discredit upon him, misfortune upon oneself, etc.) навлекать на нее позор и т. д., bring suspicion upon oneself навлечь на себя подозрение; you have brought It upon yourself ты сам во всем виноват; it will bring trouble upon him у него из-за этого будут неприятности; bring smth. into smth. bring discard into a family внести в семью раздор; bring smth. to smb., smth. bring luck to my sister (honour to the family, fame to the actor, etc.) приносить сестре счастье и т. д., bring tears to smb.'s eyes вызвать у кого-л. слезы
    7) bring smth. against smb. bring an action /a suit/ against smb. возбудить против кого-л. судебное дело, подать на кого-л. в суд; bring an accusation charge of smth./ (a complaint, etc.) against smb. выдвигать обвинение и т. д. против кого-л.; bring evidence against smb. представить улики против кого-л.
    8) bring smth. in smth. how much did your meat bring in the market? сколько вы получили на базаре за мясо?
    9) bring smth. before smth. bring a dispute before a court передать спорное дело в суд || bring smb. to court (to trial, to justice, to judgement) for a crime /on the charge of a crime/ привлекать кого-л. к суду /отдавать кого-л. под суд, судить кого-л./ за какое-л. преступление /по обвинению в каком-л. преступлении/
    9. XXVI
    || bring word that she will expect them [вернуться и] сообщить, что она будет их ждать

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > bring

  • 3 bring

    1. нося, донасям, водя, довеждам, докарвам
    to BRING into being създавам
    to BRING into fashion въвеждам като мода, въвеждам модата на
    to BRING to an end/a close/a conclusion приключвам, прекратявам. свършвам. спирам
    to BRING something to the knowledge of someone довеждам нещо до знанието на някого, правя нещо достояние на някого, съобщавам някому нещо
    to BRING something to someone's mind припомням нещо на някого
    to BRING something to someone's notice обръщам вниманието на някого върху нещо
    to BRING a play before the public представям пиеса
    2. предизвиквам. причинявам, докарвам (to до), поставям в ход, пускам в действие, имам като последица, влека след себе си, причинявам
    hard work BRINGs its reward упоритият труд се възнаграждава
    you have brought it on yourself сам си ro докара/навлече, ти си си крив
    3. скланям. склопявам. предумвам, убеждавам, накарвам
    I can't BRING myself to do it нe мога да се реша/да си наложа да го сторя
    4. юр. завеждам (дело). предявявам (иск. обвинение)
    to BRING an action/a charge/a suit against someone, to BRING someone before the court давам някого под съд, завеждам дело срещу някого
    5. докарвам, нося (печалба)
    to BRING something home to someone убеждавам напълно някого в нещо, накарвам някого да разбере/почувствува нещо, правя нещо пределно ясно за някого
    to BRING into the world раждам, давам живот на, докарвам на бял свят
    to BRING low повалям, събарям на земята, прен. унижавам
    bring about причинявам, докарвам, довеждам до, предизвиквам, извършвам, постигам, осъществявам, изпълнявам, мор. обръщам (кораб и пр.)
    bring along довеждам някого/донасям нещо със себе си
    bring around ам. bring round
    bring back връщам обратно, донасям на връщане, възвръщам
    to BRING a case back before the court връщам дело за преразглеждане, припомням, напомням за, извиквам спомени за, въвеждам отново
    bring down свалям, повалям, събарям, свалям (число при деление), улучвам, прострелвам, повалям (птица и пр.), смъквам, намалявам (температура, оток и пр.), унижавам, погубвам, намалявам, понижавам, смъквам (цени и пр.)
    нанасям удар, стоварвам (on върху)
    to BRING the house down театр, разг. имам голям успех, получавам бурни/ентусиазирани аплодисменти
    bring forth раждам, давам (плод), нося, донасям, произвеждам, пораждам, предизвиквам, причинявам, привеждам, представям, давам (доводи и пр.)
    bring forward изкарвам напред, изнасям, излагам, показвам
    привеждам, изтъквам, представям (доказателства и пр.), 'цитирам, изтъквам, лансирам, поставям на разискване, правя (предложение) на събрание, придвижвам/изтеглям (събрание и пр.) за по-ранна дата от предвидената, търг. пренасям (сума, сбор), ускорявам, стимулирам, форсирам (реколта и пр.)
    bring in въвеждам, внасям (закон, мода и пр.), донасям, внасям (стоки), сервирам (обед, вечеря и пр.), вмъквам, споменавам, цитирам (в реч и пр.), докарвам, нося, давам (доход, печалба, лихва), докарвам си (доход, печалба), юр. обявявам (някого) за виновен/невиновен, арестувам, докарвам в участъка/ареста
    to BRING one's horse in first сn. пристигам на финала пръв (за жокей), бридж изметрям дълъг цвят
    bring off отървавам, избавям, спасявам, довеждам до успешен край, успявам с, провеждам успешен опит
    to BRING it off успявам, сполучвам
    bring on предизвиквам, причинявам, докарвам (болест), поощрявам, подпомагам, стимулирам (растеж, развитие), театр. изкарвам/изнасям/изваждам на сцената, предлагам, поставям (тема за разискване), сп. вкарвам в играта (резервен играч)
    bring out извеждам, изваждам, изтъквам, подчертавам, показвам, изразявам, разкривам, правя да изпъкне/да се открои, извеждам, въвеждам в обществото (девойка), лансирам (актриса), поставям (пиеса), публикувам, издавам, фин., търг. пущам на пазара, прен. предизвиквам, накарвам (някого) да проговори/да каже мнението си, изнасям (факти), разяснявам (проблем), разкривам (неизвестни неща), оповестявам
    bring over докарвам, внасям (стоки) (from от), предумвам/спечелвам (някого) за идея/кауза
    bring round донасям, довеждам, нося, разнасям, свестявам, възстановявам здравето на, ободрявам, развеселявам, скланям, склонявам
    предумвам, спечелвам за (кауза, идея и пр.), насочвам, извъртам, докарвам (разговор) на дадена/желана тема (to)
    bring through спасявам живота/възстановявам здравето на (болен), bring to свестявам, довеждам в съзнание, мор. спирам (пароход), спирам, бивам спрян (за параход)
    bring together събирам, сближавам, обединявам
    bring under покорявам, усмирявам, подчинявам
    отнасям към, свеждам до (дадена категория), bring up отглеждам, възпитавам, докарвам, издърпвам, доближавам, изправям пред (съд), спирам внезапно, карам/принуждавам (някого, нещо) да спре внезапно/незабавно, привличам/спирам вниманието върху, повдигам/поставям на разглеждане (въпрос), изтъквам, предизвиквам (някого) да стане да говори/да се изкаже, повръщам
    to BRING up the rear завършвам редица/колона, вървя последен/на опашката
    * * *
    {brin} v (brought {brъ:t}) 1. нося, донасям; водя, довеждам:
    * * *
    съд; убеждавам; скланям; причинявам; принасям; довеждам; донасям; докарвам;
    * * *
    1. bring about причинявам, докарвам, довеждам до, предизвиквам, извършвам, постигам, осъществявам, изпълнявам, мор. обръщам (кораб и пр.) 2. bring along довеждам някого/донасям нещо със себе си 3. bring around ам. bring round 4. bring back връщам обратно, донасям на връщане, възвръщам 5. bring down свалям, повалям, събарям, свалям (число при деление), улучвам, прострелвам, повалям (птица и пр.), смъквам, намалявам (температура, оток и пр.), унижавам, погубвам, намалявам, понижавам, смъквам (цени и пр.) 6. bring forth раждам, давам (плод), нося, донасям, произвеждам, пораждам, предизвиквам, причинявам, привеждам, представям, давам (доводи и пр.) 7. bring forward изкарвам напред, изнасям, излагам, показвам 8. bring in въвеждам, внасям (закон, мода и пр.), донасям, внасям (стоки), сервирам (обед, вечеря и пр.), вмъквам, споменавам, цитирам (в реч и пр.), докарвам, нося, давам (доход, печалба, лихва), докарвам си (доход, печалба), юр. обявявам (някого) за виновен/невиновен, арестувам, докарвам в участъка/ареста 9. bring off отървавам, избавям, спасявам, довеждам до успешен край, успявам с, провеждам успешен опит 10. bring on предизвиквам, причинявам, докарвам (болест), поощрявам, подпомагам, стимулирам (растеж, развитие), театр. изкарвам/изнасям/изваждам на сцената, предлагам, поставям (тема за разискване), сп. вкарвам в играта (резервен играч) 11. bring out извеждам, изваждам, изтъквам, подчертавам, показвам, изразявам, разкривам, правя да изпъкне/да се открои, извеждам, въвеждам в обществото (девойка), лансирам (актриса), поставям (пиеса), публикувам, издавам, фин., търг. пущам на пазара, прен. предизвиквам, накарвам (някого) да проговори/да каже мнението си, изнасям (факти), разяснявам (проблем), разкривам (неизвестни неща), оповестявам 12. bring over докарвам, внасям (стоки) (from от), предумвам/спечелвам (някого) за идея/кауза 13. bring round донасям, довеждам, нося, разнасям, свестявам, възстановявам здравето на, ободрявам, развеселявам, скланям, склонявам 14. bring through спасявам живота/възстановявам здравето на (болен), bring to свестявам, довеждам в съзнание, мор. спирам (пароход), спирам, бивам спрян (за параход) 15. bring together събирам, сближавам, обединявам 16. bring under покорявам, усмирявам, подчинявам 17. hard work brings its reward упоритият труд се възнаграждава 18. i can't bring myself to do it нe мога да се реша/да си наложа да го сторя 19. to bring a case back before the court връщам дело за преразглеждане, припомням, напомням за, извиквам спомени за, въвеждам отново 20. to bring a play before the public представям пиеса 21. to bring an action/a charge/a suit against someone, to bring someone before the court давам някого под съд, завеждам дело срещу някого 22. to bring into being създавам 23. to bring into fashion въвеждам като мода, въвеждам модата на 24. to bring into the world раждам, давам живот на, докарвам на бял свят 25. to bring it off успявам, сполучвам 26. to bring low повалям, събарям на земята, прен. унижавам 27. to bring one's horse in first сn. пристигам на финала пръв (за жокей), бридж изметрям дълъг цвят 28. to bring something home to someone убеждавам напълно някого в нещо, накарвам някого да разбере/почувствува нещо, правя нещо пределно ясно за някого 29. to bring something to someone's mind припомням нещо на някого 30. to bring something to someone's notice обръщам вниманието на някого върху нещо 31. to bring something to the knowledge of someone довеждам нещо до знанието на някого, правя нещо достояние на някого, съобщавам някому нещо 32. to bring the house down театр, разг. имам голям успех, получавам бурни/ентусиазирани аплодисменти 33. to bring to an end/a close/a conclusion приключвам, прекратявам. свършвам. спирам 34. to bring up the rear завършвам редица/колона, вървя последен/на опашката 35. you have brought it on yourself сам си ro докара/навлече, ти си си крив 36. докарвам, нося (печалба) 37. нанасям удар, стоварвам (on върху) 38. нося, донасям, водя, довеждам, докарвам 39. отнасям към, свеждам до (дадена категория), bring up отглеждам, възпитавам, докарвам, издърпвам, доближавам, изправям пред (съд), спирам внезапно, карам/принуждавам (някого, нещо) да спре внезапно/незабавно, привличам/спирам вниманието върху, повдигам/поставям на разглеждане (въпрос), изтъквам, предизвиквам (някого) да стане да говори/да се изкаже, повръщам 40. предизвиквам. причинявам, докарвам (to до), поставям в ход, пускам в действие, имам като последица, влека след себе си, причинявам 41. предумвам, спечелвам за (кауза, идея и пр.), насочвам, извъртам, докарвам (разговор) на дадена/желана тема (to) 42. привеждам, изтъквам, представям (доказателства и пр.), 'цитирам, изтъквам, лансирам, поставям на разискване, правя (предложение) на събрание, придвижвам/изтеглям (събрание и пр.) за по-ранна дата от предвидената, търг. пренасям (сума, сбор), ускорявам, стимулирам, форсирам (реколта и пр.) 43. скланям. склопявам. предумвам, убеждавам, накарвам 44. юр. завеждам (дело). предявявам (иск. обвинение)
    * * *
    bring[briʃ] v ( brought[brɔ:t]) 1. довеждам, докарвам, донасям; \bring it to me донеси ми го; what \brings you here? какво те носи насам? to \bring s.o. on his way изпращам някого (донякъде); to \bring into fashion въвеждам като мода; to \bring s.th. to s.o.'s mind припомням нещо на някого; to \bring to s.o.'s notice обръщам вниманието на някого върху нещо; to \bring art to the public поднасям изкуството на вниманието на обществеността; we'll be \bringing you all the details of the day' s events ще ви осведомяваме за всички подробности около събитията за деня; 2. докарвам, нося, докарвам (си) ( печалба); how much did your honey \bring? колко взе от меда си? колко си докара от меда? 3. скланям, склонявам, предумвам, убеждавам, кандърдисвам; накарвам; I can't \bring myself to do s.th. не мога да си наложа (да се реша) да направя нещо; 4. предизвиквам, причинявам, докарвам до (to); задействам; имам като последица, влека след себе си; the attacks have brought disgrace on Germany атаките донесоха позор за (дискредитираха) Германия; to \bring misfortune on s.o. (on s.o.'s head) докарвам нещастие на някого, навличам беда на някого; to \bring tears to s.o.'s eyes накарвам някого да се просълзи, просълзявам, разплаквам; you have brought it on yourself сам си го докара (си я навлече) (за беда), сам си си крив, сам си си виновен; to \bring s.th. into action ( play) прен. поставям (нещо) в ход действие); воен. хвърлям в бой; to \bring to a close ( conclusion, end) завършвам, изкарвам докрай; to \bring to pass причинявам, пораждам; to \bring s.o. to beggary докарвам някого до просешка тояга, разорявам някого; to \bring s.th. in question поставям под съмнение; 5. юрид. завеждам ( дело); предявявам (обвинение, иск); to \bring an action ( a suit) against s.o., to \bring s.o. before the court давам някого под съд, завеждам дело срещу някого; to \bring a charge of s.th. against s.o. обвинявам някого в нещо; to \bring a charge home to s.o. доказвам обвинението си срещу някого; to \bring to bear насочвам; to \bring all o.'s strength to bear on s.th. натискам с всички сили; to \bring pressure to bear on s.o. упражнявам натиск (давление) върху някого; to \bring o.'s mind to bear on s.th. насочвам (съсредоточавам) цялото си внимание върху нещо; to \bring s.o. to book for s.th. търся сметка от някого за нещо; мъмря, гълча, хокам; to \bring (s.th.) home to s.o. накарвам някого да разбере, да почувства нещо, правя нещо пределно ясно за някого; air raids \bring war home to the people бомбардировките накарват хората да разберат какво значи война; to \bring into the world раждам, давам живот на; to \bring to a head карам да назрее; изострям; довеждам до криза; to \bring s.th. to light разкривам, изваждам наяве, откривам; to \bring low повалям, събарям на земята; унижавам; to \bring to o.'s senses, to \bring to reason вразумявам, връщам разума на; to \bring s.th. to pass осъществявам нещо, привеждам нещо в изпълнение;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > bring

  • 4 sign

    1. noun
    1) (symbol, gesture, signal, mark) Zeichen, das
    2) (Astrol.)

    sign [of the zodiac] — [Tierkreis]zeichen, das; Sternzeichen, das

    what sign are you?welches Tierkreiszeichen od. Sternzeichen bist du?

    3) (notice) Schild, das

    [direction] sign — Wegweiser, der

    [advertising] sign — Reklameschild, das; Reklame, die; (illuminated, flashing) Leuchtreklame, die

    danger sign(lit. or fig.) Gefahrenzeichen, das

    4) (outside shop etc.) see academic.ru/67219/signboard">signboard
    5) (indication) Zeichen, das; (of future event) Anzeichen, das

    there is little/no/every sign of something/that... — wenig/nichts/alles deutet auf etwas (Akk.) hin od. deutet darauf hin, dass...

    show [no] signs of fatigue/strain/improvement — etc. [keine] Anzeichen der Müdigkeit / Anstrengung / Besserung usw. zeigen od. erkennen lassen

    the carpet showed little/ some sign[s] of wear — der Teppich wirkte kaum/etwas abgenutzt

    as a sign ofals Zeichen (+ Gen.)

    at the first or slightest sign of something — schon beim geringsten Anzeichen von etwas

    there was no sign of him/the car anywhere — er/der Wagen war nirgends zu sehen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (write one's name etc. on) unterschreiben; [Künstler, Autor:] signieren [Werk]

    sign one's name — [mit seinem Namen] unterschreiben

    sign oneself R. A. Smith — mit R. A. Smith unterschreiben

    3. intransitive verb
    (write one's name) unterschreiben

    sign for something(acknowledge receipt of something) den Empfang einer Sache (Gen.) bestätigen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) das Zeichen
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) das Schild
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) das Zeichen
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) das Anzeichen
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) unterschreiben
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) unterschreiben
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) bedeuten mit
    - signboard
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (gesture) Zeichen nt
    to make the \sign of the cross sich akk bekreuzigen
    a rude \sign eine unverschämte Geste
    to give/make a \sign to sb jdm ein Zeichen geben/machen
    2. (notice) [Straßen-/Verkehrs]schild nt; (signboard) Schild nt; (for shop) Ladenschild nt
    danger \sign Gefahrenschild nt
    stop \sign Stoppschild nt
    3. (symbol) Zeichen nt, Symbol nt
    plus \sign Pluszeichen nt
    4. (polarity sign) Vorzeichen nt
    5. ASTROL (of the zodiac) Sternzeichen nt
    the \sign of Leo das Sternzeichen des Löwen
    6. (indication) [An]zeichen nt; (from God) Zeichen nt
    the children's restlessness is a \sign that they're getting bored die Unruhe der Kinder ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass ihnen langweilig wird; (trace) Spur f; of an animal Fährte f
    the search team could not find any \sign of the climbers die Suchmannschaft konnte keine Spur der Kletterer finden
    the least [or slightest] \sign of confidence das geringste Anzeichen von Vertrauen
    \sign of life Lebenszeichen nt
    a \sign of the times ein Zeichen nt der Zeit
    a sure \sign of sth ein sicheres Zeichen für etw akk
    to read the \signs die Zeichen erkennen
    to show \signs of improvement Anzeichen der Besserung erkennen lassen [o zeigen
    7. no pl (sign language) Gebärdensprache f
    8. (in maths) Zeichen nt
    II. vt
    1. (with signature)
    to \sign sth etw unterschreiben; contract, document etw unterzeichnen; book, painting etw signieren
    he \signed himself ‘Mark Taylor’ er unterschrieb mit ‚Mark Taylor‘
    \sign your name on the dotted line unterschreiben Sie auf der gestrichelten Linie
    to \sign a guest book sich akk ins Gästebuch eintragen
    to \sign a ceasefire einen Waffenstillstand unterzeichnen
    to \sign a cheque einen Scheck unterzeichnen
    to \sign a letter einen Brief unterschreiben [o form unterzeichnen]
    to \sign a register sich akk eintragen
    2. (employ under contract)
    to \sign sb athlete, musician jdn [vertraglich] verpflichten
    to \sign sb to do sth jdm ein Zeichen machen, etw zu tun
    he \signed the waiter to bring him another drink er machte dem Kellner ein Zeichen, ihm noch einen Drink zu bringen
    4. (in sign language)
    to \sign sth etw in der Gebärdensprache ausdrücken
    to \sign one's own death warrant ( fam) sein eigenes Todesurteil unterschreiben
    \signed, sealed and delivered unter Dach und Fach
    III. vi
    1. (write signature) unterschreiben
    \sign here, please unterschreiben Sie bitte hier
    to \sign for [or with] sb/sth athlete, musician sich akk für jdn/etw [vertraglich] verpflichten
    2. (accept)
    to \sign for a delivery eine Lieferung gegenzeichnen
    3. (use sign language) die Zeichensprache benutzen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ benützen
    4. (make motion) gestikulieren
    to \sign to sb jdm ein Zeichen geben
    5. COMPUT (log in) unterschreiben
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (with hand etc) Zeichen nt

    he nodded as a sign of recognition —

    he gave or made me a sign to stayer gab mir durch ein Zeichen zu verstehen, ich solle bleiben

    2) (= indication MED) Anzeichen nt (of für, +gen); (= evidence) Zeichen nt (of von, +gen); (= trace) Spur f

    a sure/good/bad sign — ein sicheres/gutes/schlechtes Zeichen

    it's a sign of the timeses ist ein Zeichen unserer Zeit

    at the slightest/first sign of disagreement — beim geringsten/ersten Anzeichen von Uneinigkeit

    there is no sign of their agreeing — nichts deutet darauf hin, dass sie zustimmen werden

    he shows signs of doing ites sieht so aus, als ob er es tun würde

    the rain showed no sign(s) of stopping — nichts deutete darauf hin, dass der Regen aufhören würde

    he gave no sign of having hearder ließ nicht erkennen, ob er es gehört hatte

    there was no sign of him/the book anywhere — von ihm/von dem Buch war keine Spur zu sehen

    3) (= road sign, inn sign, shop sign) Schild nt
    4) (= written symbol) Zeichen nt; (= Math) Vorzeichen nt; (ASTRON, ASTROL) (Tierkreis)zeichen nt
    2. vt

    he signs himself J.G. Jones — er unterschreibt mit J. G. Jones

    2) letter, contract, cheque unterschreiben, unterzeichnen (form); picture, book signieren

    to sign the guest booksich ins Gästebuch eintragen

    signed, sealed and delivered — unter Dach und Fach, fix und fertig (inf)

    3) football player etc unter Vertrag nehmen, einstellen
    4) (= use sign language in) programme, performance in die Gebärdensprache übersetzen
    3. vi

    (= signal) to sign to sb to do sth — jdm ein Zeichen geben, etw zu tun

    2) (with signature) unterschreiben

    Fellows has just signed for UnitedFellows hat gerade bei United unterschrieben

    3) (= use sign language) die Gebärdensprache benutzen
    * * *
    sign [saın]
    A s
    1. a) Zeichen n, Symbol n (beide auch fig)
    b) auch sign of the cross REL Kreuzzeichen n:
    in ( oder as a) sign of zum Zeichen (gen)
    2. (Schrift)Zeichen n
    3. MATH, MUS (Vor)Zeichen n ( auch IT)
    4. Zeichen n, Wink m:
    give sb a sign, make a sign to sb jemandem ein Zeichen geben
    5. Zeichen n, Signal n
    6. Anzeichen n, Symptom n ( auch MED):
    signs of fatigue Ermüdungserscheinungen;
    a sign of illness ein Krankheitszeichen;
    give no sign of life kein Lebenszeichen von sich geben;
    show only faint signs of life nur schwache Lebenszeichen von sich geben;
    make no sign sich nicht rühren;
    the signs of the times die Zeichen der Zeit;
    there was not a sign of him von ihm war (noch) nichts zu sehen;
    all the signs are that … alles deutet darauf hin, dass …
    7. Kennzeichen n
    8. (Verkehrs- etc) Schild n, (-)Zeichen n
    9. ASTROL (Stern-, Tierkreis) Zeichen n: zodiac
    10. besonders BIBEL (Wunder)Zeichen n:
    signs and wonders Zeichen und Wunder
    11. US Spur f ( auch JAGD)
    B v/t
    1. a) unterzeichnen, -schreiben, auch MAL, TYPO signieren:
    signed, sealed, and delivered (ordnungsgemäß) unterschrieben und ausgefertigt; autograph A 1
    b) sich eintragen in (akk):
    sign the visitors’ book
    2. mit seinem Namen unterzeichnen
    3. sign away Eigentum etc übertragen, -schreiben, abtreten
    4. auch sign on ( oder up) (vertraglich) verpflichten, unter Vertrag nehmen (beide a. SPORT), anstellen, SCHIFF anheuern
    5. REL das Kreuzzeichen machen über (akk oder dat), segnen
    6. jemandem bedeuten ( to do zu tun), jemandem seine Zustimmung etc (durch Zeichen oder Gebärden) zu verstehen geben
    C v/i
    1. unterschreiben, -zeichnen:
    she brought him a letter to sign sie brachte ihm einen Brief zur Unterschrift;
    sign for den Empfang (gen) (durch seine Unterschrift) bestätigen; dot2 B 1
    2. WIRTSCH zeichnen
    3. Zeichen geben, (zu)winken ( beide:
    to dat)
    4. sign on (off) RADIO, TV sein Programm beginnen (beenden):
    we sign off at 10 o’clock Sendeschluss ist um 22 Uhr
    a) sich (in eine Anwesenheitsliste etc) eintragen,
    b) einstempeln
    6. sign off umg
    a) (seine Rede) schließen,
    b) Schluss machen ( im Brief, a. allg),
    c) sich zurückziehen, aussteigen umg
    a) sich (aus einer Anwesenheitsliste etc) austragen,
    b) ausstempeln
    8. auch sign on ( oder up) sich (vertraglich) verpflichten ( for zu), (eine) Arbeit annehmen, SCHIFF anheuern, MIL sich verpflichten ( for auf 5 Jahre etc):
    the player signed on for two years der Spieler unterschrieb einen Zweijahresvertrag
    9. sign off on US umg einen Plan etc absegnen, genehmigen
    s. abk
    1. second ( seconds pl) s, Sek.
    3. see s.
    5. set
    6. HIST Br shilling ( shillings pl)
    7. sign
    8. signed gez.
    9. singular Sg.
    10. son
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (symbol, gesture, signal, mark) Zeichen, das
    2) (Astrol.)

    sign [of the zodiac] — [Tierkreis]zeichen, das; Sternzeichen, das

    what sign are you?welches Tierkreiszeichen od. Sternzeichen bist du?

    3) (notice) Schild, das

    [direction] sign — Wegweiser, der

    [advertising] sign — Reklameschild, das; Reklame, die; (illuminated, flashing) Leuchtreklame, die

    danger sign(lit. or fig.) Gefahrenzeichen, das

    4) (outside shop etc.) see signboard
    5) (indication) Zeichen, das; (of future event) Anzeichen, das

    there is little/no/every sign of something/that... — wenig/nichts/alles deutet auf etwas (Akk.) hin od. deutet darauf hin, dass...

    show [no] signs of fatigue/strain/improvement — etc. [keine] Anzeichen der Müdigkeit / Anstrengung / Besserung usw. zeigen od. erkennen lassen

    the carpet showed little/ some sign[s] of wear — der Teppich wirkte kaum/etwas abgenutzt

    as a sign of — als Zeichen (+ Gen.)

    at the first or slightest sign of something — schon beim geringsten Anzeichen von etwas

    there was no sign of him/the car anywhere — er/der Wagen war nirgends zu sehen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (write one's name etc. on) unterschreiben; [Künstler, Autor:] signieren [Werk]

    sign one's name — [mit seinem Namen] unterschreiben

    sign oneself R. A. Smith — mit R. A. Smith unterschreiben

    3. intransitive verb
    (write one's name) unterschreiben

    sign for something(acknowledge receipt of something) den Empfang einer Sache (Gen.) bestätigen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Hinweistafel f.
    Schild -er n.
    Signum -en (Mathematik) n.
    Symbol -e n.
    Vorzeichen n.
    Wert -e m.
    Zeichen - n. v.
    unterschreiben v.
    unterzeichnen v.

    English-german dictionary > sign

  • 5 interest

    1. n интерес, запрос; влечение, стремление, потребность
    2. n значение, интерес
    3. n заинтересованность; польза; выгода
    4. n доля, участие
    5. n имущественное право
    6. n книжн. влияние, воздействие; сила авторитета
    7. n лица, объединённые общностью интересов; заинтересованные лица, круги или организации; деловые круги

    principal and/or interest — капитал и\или процент

    8. n проценты, процентный доход

    compound interest, interest on interest — сложные проценты, проценты на проценты

    9. n процент

    rate of interest — процент, процентная ставка, норма процента

    brought in interest — принес проценты; принесенный проценты

    10. n избыток

    with interest — сполна, с лихвой

    11. v интересовать, вызывать интерес, любопытство; привлекать внимание

    the article interests everybody — эта статья у всех вызывает интерес, статья привлекла всеобщее внимание

    12. v заинтересовывать; привлекать к участию
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. dividend (noun) dividend; gain; profit; return; yield
    2. hobby (noun) hobby; pastime; preoccupation; pursuit
    3. holding (noun) claim; holding; investment; part; percentage; portion; share; stake; title
    4. regard (noun) attention; concern; curiosity; engrossment; inquisitiveness; interestedness; interestingness; notice; regard
    5. welfare (noun) advantage; behalf; benefit; good; prosperity; welfare; well-being
    6. absorb (verb) absorb; concern; engage; engross
    7. appeal (verb) appeal; arouse; attract; excite; fascinate; intrigue; pique
    Антонимический ряд:
    apathy; bore; bother; carelessness; default; disadvantage; disconnection; displease; inattention; indifference; insolvency; insouciance; loss

    English-Russian base dictionary > interest

  • 6 Giffard, Baptiste Henry Jacques (Henri)

    b. 8 February 1825 Paris, France
    d. 14 April 1882 Paris, France
    French pioneer of airships and balloons, inventor of an injector for steam-boiler feedwater.
    Giffard entered the works of the Western Railway of France at the age of 16 but became absorbed by the problem of steam-powered aerial navigation. He proposed a steam-powered helicopter in 1847, but he then turned his attention to an airship. He designed a lightweight coke-burning, single-cylinder steam engine and boiler which produced just over 3 hp (2.2 kW) and mounted it below a cigar-shaped gas bag 44 m (144 ft) in length. A triangular rudder was fitted at the rear to control the direction of flight. On 24 September 1852 Giffard took off from Paris and, at a steady 8 km/h (5 mph), he travelled 28 km (17 miles) to Trappes. This can be claimed to be the first steerable lighter-than-air craft, but with a top speed of only 8 km/h (5 mph) even a modest headwind would have reduced the forward speed to nil (or even negative). Giffard built a second airship, which crashed in 1855, slightly injuring Giffard and his companion; a third airship was planned with a very large gas bag in order to lift the inherently heavy steam engine and boiler, but this was never built. His airships were inflated by coal gas and refusal by the gas company to provide further supplies brought these promising experiments to a premature end.
    As a draughtsman Giffard had the opportunity to travel on locomotives and he observed the inadequacies of the feed pumps then used to supply boiler feedwater. To overcome these problems he invented the injector with its series of three cones: in the first cone (convergent), steam at or below boiler pressure becomes a high-velocity jet; in the second (also convergent), it combines with feedwater to condense and impart high velocity to it; and in the third (divergent), that velocity is converted into pressure sufficient to overcome the pressure of steam in the boiler. The injector, patented by Giffard, was quickly adopted by railways everywhere, and the royalties provided him with funds to finance further experiments in aviation. These took the form of tethered hydrogen-inflated balloons of successively larger size. At the Paris Exposition of 1878 one of these balloons carried fifty-two passengers on each tethered "flight". The height of the balloon was controlled by a cable attached to a huge steam-powered winch, and by the end of the fair 1,033 ascents had been made and 35,000 passengers had seen Paris from the air. This, and similar balloons, greatly widened the public's interest in aeronautics. Sadly, after becoming blind, Giffard committed suicide; however, he died a rich man and bequeathed large sums of money to the State for humanitarian an scientific purposes.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Croix de la Légion d'honneur 1863.
    1860, Notice théorique et pratique sur l'injecteur automoteur.
    1870, Description du premier aérostat à vapeur.
    Further Reading
    Dictionnaire de biographie française.
    Gaston Tissandier, 1872, Les Ballons dirigeables, Paris.
    —1878, Le Grand ballon captif à vapeur de M. Henri Giffard, Paris.
    W.de Fonvielle, 1882, Les Ballons dirigeables à vapeur de H.Giffard, Paris. Giffard is covered in most books on balloons or airships, e.g.: Basil Clarke, 1961, The History of Airships, London. L.T.C.Rolt, 1966, The Aeronauts, London.
    Ian McNeill (ed.), 1990, An Encyclopaedia of the History of Technology, London: Routledge, pp. 575 and 614.
    J.T.Hodgson and C.S.Lake, 1954, Locomotive Management, Tothill Press, p. 100.
    PJGR / JDS

    Biographical history of technology > Giffard, Baptiste Henry Jacques (Henri)

См. также в других словарях:

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  • notice*/*/*/ — [ˈnəʊtɪs] verb [T] I to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them After a few days here you hardly notice the rain![/ex] Did you notice how pale he looks?[/ex] I noticed that the door was open.[/ex] II noun… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • PUBLIC AUTHORITY — PUBLIC AUTHORITY, in the context of this article, a term referring to an authoritative body composed of representatives of the public – whether appointed or elected by the latter – and entrusted with the duty and power to arrange various matters… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Public Citizen Litigation Group — is the litigating arm of the non profit consumer advocacy organization Public Citizen. The Litigation Group’s attorneys specialize in cases involving health and safety regulation, consumer rights, separation of powers, access to the courts, class …   Wikipedia

  • bring something to someone's notice — bring something to someone’s notice british formal phrase to tell someone about something Their working conditions were only brought to public notice last year. I’ll bring the situation to his notice at the first opportunity. Thesaurus: to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bring something to someone's notice — British formal to tell someone about something Their working conditions were only brought to public notice last year. I ll bring the situation to his notice at the first opportunity …   English dictionary

  • public — Synonyms and related words: Babbittish, Everyman, John Doe, Philistine, Public, accessible, acknowledged, adherent, admitted, affirmed, alehouse, announced, apparent, appendage, associated, attendant, audience, available, bar, barrel house,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • constructive notice — see notice Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. constructive notice …   Law dictionary

  • Strategic lawsuit against public participation — A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ( SLAPP ) is a lawsuit or a threat of lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition …   Wikipedia

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